v freeride guiding by freeriding experts v


Growing up in the beautiful city of Innsbruck, I was addicted to powdersnow from a young age on. Going to school every day with my snowboard gear, we would skip many hours to be up on the mountain early. Everything changed though on the day I did my first ever freeride competition. Winning the the […]

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Our specialty at Freeride Center Austria is: Making YOU stoked on the mountain! So rather than offering a variety of camps in detail, we ask you to contact us by phone, mail or facebook and tell us what kind of freeride experience you are looking for so we can serve you the best.  orleyflo@gmx.at 0043 […]

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Depending on snow conditions and your wishes, our guides choose the perfect location around Innsbruck fitting you riding skills and expectations. NORDKETTE INNSBRUCK Is our famous home mountain right above Innsbruck. The magic of this mountain is felt right away as you are walking on the ridge up there, which is seperating the beautiful but […]

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